Back Pain Relief 4 Life Review: Is Your Back Pain Bothering You?

It strikes indiscriminately but ferociously. From youthful and robust construction workers to fortune 500 CEOs and pregnant women planning for the arrival of their little bundle of joy, no one is immune. That is the insidious nature of a backache.

Did you know that back pains rank among the top ten reasons for missed workdays? Statistics state that more than seventy percent of people complain of back pain. As such, this information relays the urgency needed to curb this problem.

Imagine, if you will, your regular visit to your chiropractor because of your never-ending backache. See yourself trying to get into a comfortable position as you wait your turn on the waiting room couch. When you go in, instead of getting on the bed for the usual painful teaks to your back, your chiropractor slides you a brochure.

Now the last thing you want to look at is a brochure! Especially with the haze generated by the radiating pain in your lower back. But he says he wants to try something new that will alleviate your pain in just 16 minutes!

A cure?

Is it? Two minutes of unusual movements are all it takes to start you off according to this miracle treatment. According to Ian Hart B.S., C.S.C.S, the treatment’s originator you will be free from pain and reliance on prescription drugs, steroid injections or the eventuality of surgery.

Unbelievable! Do not be so quick to dismiss it. Raving reviews point towards this being a revolutionary new treatment that has given a lot of people immense relief.

In fact, many using this method can attest to the fact that you will gain more flexibility, better posture, and stronger muscles.Back Pain Relief 4 Life Product

The Genesis

Back pain relief 4 life came about as a result of a lacking conclusive treatment for back pain. Ian Hart, the creator of this treatment suffered from chronic back pain for almost a decade after trauma from playing basketball.

Short of surgery, he tried a myriad of treatments from massage therapy, acupuncture, electric stimulation, chiropractors, alphabetic, and even the costly Kinesis Myofascial integration before stumbling upon this treatment.

Massage therapy, acupuncture, and many of the other options available in the market only tackle the symptoms of back pain as opposed to the root causes. However, the simple cause of back pain is muscle imbalance.


Sitting at your desk in a hunched position for hours on end weakens your back muscles. Your lower back suffers the stress of these weakened muscles which eventually changes your spine alignment causing an imbalance. The result is chronic backache because of your occupation.Back Pain Relief 4 Life Review: Is Your Back Pain Bothering You?

The Promise

What then does the treatment have in store for you?

Relief from Back Ache: With the 8 movements each spanning 2 minutes your back immediately begins to feel the restorative effects of the treatment. You will experience instant pain relief and ease of muscle use.

Restored Muscle balance: The treatment causes the back pain to recede giving you a more upright bearing.  This improved posture strengthens your abs and by extension your entire core.

Increases blood flow to the spine:  Back pain relief 4 life allows proper blood flow to your general back area and specifically to your spine to resume. With the enhanced blood flow comes increased oxygen levels and more nutrients which enable your body to self-repair.

Convenience: You have the flexibility of taking part in the treatment wherever you are. This includes while waiting for flights, in your office, or even in a queue.

Quick action: In less than 20 minutes you can feel relief from chronic pain that has plagued you for years.

The process

Back pain relief 4 life works in 8 simple movements.

  • The first move is all about activating the imbalanced muscles. It gets them ready for relief.
  • The second step is where you begin to stimulate the dormant muscles while continuing the activation of the other impaired ones.
  • After the above preparation, the third movement starts to implement pain relief. You will feel the strain in your muscles lessen as instant pain relief begins to flood your back.
  • More relief is experienced with this fourth move in addition to the wave of energy that infuses the previously dormant muscles.
  • Here, the movement is aimed at decompressing your back. Your back will be visibly relaxed as the pain is continually alleviated.
  • As your back loosens up, the sixth movement aligns your entire body and in the process balances the muscles along the spine.
  • As you wind down, this particular move continues the alignment of the spine and also stabilizes your hips and back by placing them in their natural positions.
  • Finally, this last step is a compression move. The pressure is gently applied to the spine to squeeze out old blood from the discs. This process allows fresh blood full of oxygen and nutrients to go in and heal your back.

The result is noticeable flexibility, relaxed muscles and most importantly: A pain-free back.Back Pain Relief 4 Life Review Get Treatment For Your Backpain Now

The program

The back pain relief 4 life program comes with 3 main components: The Back Pain Relief 4 Life core training video, the Nine Targeted Coaching Video Sessions for Back Relief, and the One on One Coaching. The program’s three-level series increases the therapeutic movements gradually. This ensures slow, safe, and continuous strengthening of your back and increased flexibility. The movements focus on your core, back, and hips.

The videos are straightforward, needing no previous back pain alleviation expertise or medical study to in order to use them. In fact, they are so effective customers have been known to experience absolute relief with their first session.

1)     The Back Pain Relief 4 Life Core training video

This is the first video in the program. It is 28 minutes long and shows you the sequence of the 8 movements. These movements are the foundation of the treatment.

Fortunately, the 8 movements are not rocket science and last for only 2 minutes. You can do them at your convenience, anywhere the fancy takes you. In addition, you will get printable diagrams of the sequence.

Customer reviews

Those who used the core training video unanimously and emphatically agreed that it was effective in alleviating back pain. For some, the process of walking was a difficult chore but an hour after the sequence they could walk and even jump.

For others, the realization of just how well it worked dawned on them when they had none of the nagging pain they walked in with.

2)     Nine targeted coaching video sessions for back relief

For many it is not enough to just have the training video with the 8 movements. They prefer to have additional information in order to gain further insight into the workings of the program.  The nine targeted coaching video sessions for back relief is an apt tool for this type of clientele.

This component comprises of 9 short coaching videos that provide more tips on how to maximize the back pain relief 4 life program.  With it, you can begin to fully understand the workings of your body as you reap the benefits of the program.

Customer reviews

After many years of hopping from one supposed remedy to another, many people with chronic backache have become a skeptic of any kind of treatment. However, consumers who tried the nine targeted coaching video sessions for back relief were pleasantly surprised by the rapid results and in-depth information that the treatment provided. One consumer who narrowly escaped surgery by buying this video describes himself as extremely fortunate.

3)     One on One Coaching

Because Ian Hart realized that everyone is unique in their needs and situation, he has made himself and his support team available to anyone who buys a copy of the Back Pain Relief 4 Life program via unlimited email. In cases where email is not an option for you, he or a member of his back pain coaches’ team will call you for a private consult during which they will answer questions and even tweak the 8 movements to your special needs.

Customer Reviews

It is a winning strategy that he has employed to his credit. People are grateful to talk to someone who can relate to their pain and the challenges it poses for them. At the end of the consult consumers are happier with many inspired to take the program even more seriously.

Why should you choose Back Pain Relief 4 Life?

An in depth look into this program shows a viable option for anyone grappling with the constraining pain of a chronic back ache. It is not a temporal solution. Indeed, it is aimed at treating the cause of your back pain forever.

Here is a quick fact check

A single trip to a chiropractor could cost you over $35, you may perhaps pay $45 or more for a massage session while an acupuncturist will charge something between $45 and $100. Remember, we haven’t even ventured into prescription drugs or the possibility of surgery.

Speaking of surgery, is it a sure way of completely alleviating the pain?

The simple answer is no.

The better answer is your chances are 50/50. That spinal fusion or foraminotomy or discectomy may relieve the pain or may not. In some instances, it may even worsen it.

And to make it even worse (if it can possibly get worse!) there is no going back after surgery. Before such a drastic end to matters, isn’t it worth giving Back Pain Relief 4 Life a try?

This brings up the small matter of pricingBack Pain Relief 4 Life Review Get Treatment For Your Backpain Now

Why leave it untreated?

The worst effect of back pain is the financial strain suffered. Doctors recommend continuous physical therapy and massage appointment to manage back pains. Those who cannot afford to choose to rely on pain medication which is addictive. Did you that you can take an effective route to manage your back pain?

Back pain relief 4 life is a digital back treatment. It is an alternative to the dangerous and costly conventional options. They aim at fixing back pain by eliminating the root cause of the problem. Back Pain Relief 4 Life is not like other methods. The therapeutic movements teach one how to restore and strengthen their back.

It goes a step further to the connecting tissues, muscles, and ligaments. The treatment allows them to heal and regain strength. The sequential movement causes the body to produce a healing biochemical. Additionally, through the movements, the brain’s functioning morphs. This is a process known as Neural Adaptation.

The Price

You have two options: Visit our facilities or buy the Back Pain Relief 4 Life online

Should you choose to visit our facilities in South Carolina (which are booked solid in advance) you could pay $347 for an off-hours emergency session, $250 for a regular private session, and $150 for a group session.

Alternatively, you can take advantage of our one-time investment of $37 and buy the program online right now.

In addition, the order comes with a bonus of

  • Free one on one coaching
  • 10 targeted coaching video sessions for back Pain Relief
  • The Begin Your Day video program
  • Quick follow along with videos with music (extra bonus)
  • Instant access to the videos online (extra bonus)

Who is a prime candidate?

The following issues signify a major problem. If you suffer from any or all of them it is time to invest in the Back Pain Relief 4 Life program

  1. You suffer from severe back pain and none of the remedies available on the market can alleviate it
  2. Back pain is an occupational hazard in your line of work
  3. Pain medication causes your mind to be befuddled
  4. You are unable to exercise, play with your kids or even carry out your daily chores because of chronic backacheBack Pain Relief 4 Life Author

Our Word

Back Pain Relief 4 life provides you with peace of mind. After years of sleepless deprivation, limited functionality, and loss of hope the program aims to provide you with the life you had before the back pain (or even better).

Determined to offer respite for the weary and struggling consumer, the program gives you a 60-day money-back guarantee. As far as Ian Hart and his team of back pain coaches are concerned if you don’t get the quick and lasting they have promised they will give you back your money. In fact, you can keep the program you purchased as a sign of goodwill for the fact that you bought it in the first place.


Chronic back pain, Barca loungers, lazy boys, and beds love to bed down together (pun intended). They are shackled together at the feet and those chains permeate your entire being by extension. However, in just a few minutes you could be on your way to a pain-free existence thanks to Back Pain Relief 4 life.

Try the Back Pain 4 life program today. This is regardless of age, gender, strength, and the extent of your back pain. The program is available for download on any smartphone, tablet, desktop, or laptop.

Perhaps a long and hard think and review is in order before joining the ranks of over half a million people who have had back surgery this year.

Back Pain Relief 4 Life

Get Back Pain Relief 4 Life Today By Clicking This Link And You Will Never Again Wake Up With An Achy And Painful Back, Instead Waking Up Fresh And Invigorated Each And Every Single Day!

4.2/5 - (23 votes)


  1. Patsy Pursley July 4, 2017
  2. Jerry July 19, 2017
  3. Vincent July 26, 2017
  4. David V. Lane August 17, 2017
  5. Bertha Rivet October 9, 2017
  6. Karen Clark October 27, 2017
  7. Diana Martinez April 20, 2018
  8. Dennis Wolff May 3, 2018
  9. Lena June 23, 2018
  10. Taylor C. August 20, 2018
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  12. Luigi Dengler January 14, 2019
  13. Michael Buchanan February 6, 2019
  14. Shane Dahl April 1, 2019
  15. Michael August 2, 2019

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