Personal Path To Pregnancy Review: The Steps To A Pregnancy

I do not think that there is any dearth of tales told by old wives’ about all stages of pregnancy and getting pregnant. Surely you might have heard a few of them yourself, like how to avoid getting pregnant, influence the sex of the baby or increase fertility.

But sadly all these and other misconceptions about this topic have misled many people by covering the facts.

Personal Path To Pregnancy

Most couples are depending upon these folklores to conceive but fail in doing so. But in the case of fertility more luck is involved than you might think. There are some couples that conceive over many years and some just within a few weeks. In this review, I will be debunking the product Personal Path to Pregnancy.

The whole process of conceiving can be more frustrating for older couples while thinking that they have little time left. It’s not only the ideal age for conceiving that can be an issue; health risks that accompany will also require your attention. All this and many more topics are covered in this product that requires our in-depth reviews.

About The Product

As most of us know that fertility treatments and everything related to them can be hugely expensive. Not all couples can spend this kind of money, so they look for alternatives and this is one such alternative for them. If you are here, certainly you are also looking for a solution to this problem.

Personal Path to Pregnancy

But wait! Before you buy this product, you need to be sure whether it is ideal for you or not. After you read this review, I am sure you will be able to make an informed decision.

Ladies, most of us learn how to avoid pregnancy before learning the right ways to get pregnant. Obviously, the knowledge we have about this topic is minimum. Fortunately, Beth Kiley created this detailed guide to help all couples who are struggling to conceive a baby and meanwhile also save thousands of your dollars.

Why this guide?

Personal Path to Pregnancy is not only for couples struggling with fertility, it’s also for women who want to gather useful knowledge on this topic. In this eBook, there is an elaborate discussion on various methods that enhance fertility.

Personal Path To Pregnancy - why this guide

All techniques included in the book are completely natural and they do not rely on surgery or use of drugs. Natural methods mean that you will not have to worry about any side effects or other problems. This is one big reason why this is a great product for you.

The next big reason is the author herself. Beth Kiley herself went through the same issues and did not find respite in any medical treatment or specialist.

Beth Kiley

The author, Beth went through 5 miscarriages herself and fully understands what you are going through. She was told that it was not possible for her to conceive babies after consulting many doctors, geneticists, and gynecologists. But Beth would not take no for an answer.

After 7 years of struggle, she set out on a quest to solve this problem herself instead of just settling with her situation. If medical science did not have the answers, she was determined to find another way. She drowned herself in long hours of research and conducted interviews with several specialists.

Personal Path To Pregnancy

Her perseverance bore fruit and she now has two children of her own. Beth Kiley does not condemn the importance of medical science but just believes that even they don’t have all the answers. And surely doctors do a number of miracles daily in the fertility world turning impossible into possible.

It’s just that if you are looking for an alternative way, this is it!

Inside the eBook

This 62-page book puts emphasis on the changes you will be making in your life and how they will benefit you. It is made clear that this will not be an instant solution; it is a long process that will be good in the long run. Also, you get complete independence from doctors and drugs.

There are 6 chapters in this book; I will take you on a short journey of each chapter now.

Chapter 1

You will read all the basics, the relationship between reproduction and psychological health including the holistic nature of human beings. The chapter starts with very basic principles to apply in your daily life.

Personal Path To Pregnancy - chapter 1

With this, you will be tuning your body into the mode of conceiving, there is no need to see any therapist. Because the beginning is all in your mind!

Chapter 2

Here you will be reading about the changes and regular habits that you must implement in order to conceive. This is basically an extension of the first chapter and after the general introduction and tips, the level advances here.

Click This Link To Access The Personal Path To Pregnancy Today, And Get Over The Blocks Stopping You From Becoming Pregnant!

Of course, there are certain lifestyle changes that can boost your chances of getting pregnant by a huge margin. That is exactly what is discussed in this chapter, also called the ABC’s of Path to Pregnancy.

Remember, this path is not just for women, men also need to do their part. There is advice for both women and men, so the couple can most certainly get pregnant using these techniques correctly.

Chapter 3

Taking a step further, things get more complicated here. In this chapter, you will get to know the details about reproduction, from ovulation to its ideal timings.

Personal Path To Pregnancy - chapter 3

Timing is the most important!

In case you are using the conventional BMR (Basal Metabolic Temperature) method, then this book tells you how it is not an accurate way. It is not accurate as you will only know when the ovulation process has already occurred.

But with this eBook, you will discover the accurate timing of the creation of healthy sperms and synchronize it with cycle and health of ovulation.

Chapter 4

You get small but effective tips here, let me explain some of them to you, but you can buy the book for more details.

  • Small changes in your diet and eating habits without extra trips to the grocery store. These are just simple things that you can easily do at home.
  • Get to know your vitamins! Which vitamins aid in conceiving and which might be hindering the process. The percentage of certain vitamins in your diet needs to be controlled and other need to be avoided completely while some you will require in abundance. Know which vitamin falls in which category.
  • Foods that assist in sperm development, sperm motility, increase semen and sperm volume. Also, the foods that improve the mucus viscosity of women’s cervix.
  • Learn about foods that increase your fertility, simple ones available easily in a grocery store near you. For instance, Cassava increases your chances of having twins.
  • Improve the mucus acidity and production in your body and stop your body from killing sperms itself!

Last 3 Chapters

The chapters above are just the tip of the iceberg; you learn a whole lot of secrets in the 5, 6 & 7 chapter. Also, the factors mentioned in the first 4 chapters might be the reason that you cannot conceive. As claimed, more than 80 percent couples have those issues mentioned in the 4 chapters. Of course, this book includes the solutions to all your problems too!

Personal Path To Pregnancy

Key Points

What most reviews do not give you is an insight to the product you are thinking to buy. I just went through some key aspects that have been revealed in the book. In addition to all this, there are tips for couples who prefer medication attention as well.

And the following chapters will enlighten you about ways of doing it without going under a huge financial burden.

You also get 9 bonus products, some of them are:

  • Pre-Conception Care Guide
  • Increase Fertility with Exercises
  • Stretch marks Prevention
  • Weekly Pregnancy Guide
  • Newborn baby Safety Tips

Be Patient

One thing repeated throughout the book is a simple suggestion for couples trying, stay patient! Conceiving process takes its time and it can be stressful for most people. But, if you allow this stress to make room in your body it will, in fact, decrease your chances of getting pregnant.

Personal Path To Pregnancy

So, always stay positive and do everything within your control to keep things aligned towards the ultimate goal. DO NOT take chances with the biggest happiness of your life; take the right steps in the right direction.

Beth says that everything needs to be done perfectly and correctly; a single mistake can be a huge blow to all your efforts. There is everything in this book that will turn the odds to your side. You also get a 60-day money-back guarantee, so don’t worry!


The Personal Path To Pregnancy certainly provides valuable information that will increase your chances to conceive. And most certainly all tips and techniques are natural with no use of drugs or medical help.

However, you get pointers in case you are looking for medical attention and special tests. Overall, this is a genuine and useful product with proven ways to get pregnant.

Take The Next Steps On Your Personal Path To Pregnancy Today; Click This Link To Learn How!

4.9/5 - (8 votes)


  1. Miley Stark September 11, 2017
  2. Samuel September 20, 2017
  3. Joseph September 20, 2017
  4. Louise Parker September 29, 2017
  5. Judith October 28, 2017
  6. Lori Hernandez November 10, 2017

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